Friday, October 27, 2017

Before you buy Northern Arizona ranch land, read this - Arizona Horse Properties

Shopping for a horse property in Prescott and Northern Arizona can be a difficult task. From zoning rules to lot sizes and water access, there’s a lot to think about when purchasing a ranch property. Every couple of years we hear about someone buying an expensive property that is called a “ranch”, yet won’t even allow horses! Don’t let this be you: Arizona Horse Properties is here to walk you through some of the common mistakes that potential ranch owners can face.

Lot size - Depending on the size of the lot, you can be met with a lot of legal restrictions, such as the maximum number of animals that can live on that property. In Prescott specifically, you are limited to 2 animals for a half acre of land, and one additional animal for each other half acre of land. Meaning if you were to have 1 and a half acres, you could only have 4 horses. Ideally, you’d like to have more for the horse’s sake, but regardless of that, any less and you’ll be facing legal troubles.

Fences - All Prescott properties must have fully fenced areas for whatever type animal you want to keep, and that fence must be at least 50 feet from any residential building or the building where the animals are kept, and at least 100 feet from any other home. Plus, the enclosure must be 600 sqft for the first animal and 300 more for each additional animal. A lot of regulations to think about.

Water Rights - Many utility companies will actually look into whether you have animals on the property, and if so, raise the price of water based on how many you have. Also, if there is a creek or stream running through or near your property, you need to make sure that your animals have water rights at that stream… and also if it is safe to drink from.

Types of animals - If you plan on having more than just horses on your property, consider that many towns and municipalities can have their own regulation on what types of animals are allowed… For example, all cattle in Prescott, Arizona, must be registered and kept track of legally. This can be a burden for many homeowners, so a look into the local registrations and regulations laws can be very helpful when looking at buying homes.

As you can see, when purchasing horse properties in Northern Arizona, you have some homework to do. That’s why we’re here. At Arizona Horse Properties, we know all of the ins and outs of all of the land we sell, and can help you make an informed buying decision for your next ranch or land purchase. Give us a call at 928-713-7501 or visit our website at for more information on Northern Arizona and Prescott Horse Properties.

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Arizona Horse PropertiesRanch Land in ArizonaHelpful Articles

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Before you buy Northern Arizona ranch land, read this - Arizona Horse Properties

Shopping for a horse property in Prescott and Northern Arizona can be a difficult task. From zoning rules to lot sizes and water access, the...